By Adegboyega Ajayi
Oga-mi, it is yet another golden opportunity to celebrate you again on the annals of your birthday. I am particularly delighted to be a part of the yearly ritual in extolling the exceptional courage that you have brought to life.
From the relatively unknown village in Ekiti, you have worked and walked yourself to public reckoning. And like an early morning dew, you water the heart of time and timelessness.
Just like the proverbial “Elegbede”, whatever you touch turns to gold. Whether in activism, pro-democracy agitation or politics; you leave an imprint on the sound of time.
It is amazing, humbling and nerving to see you cross the labyrinth with seeming effortlessness.
Before our paths eventually crossed in 2017, I had nursed a secret admiration for you. I eventually was able to feel, at close quarters, your humanism when I had the rare opportunity of working with you.
Since that very moment, I have been enamored with your shared vision, patriotic zeal and oft cheerful disposition, even at the worst of time.
At sixty, there is still much to be done. Ekiti people still need you. Nigerians secretly yearn for you. Africans are waiting in the wings.
You will arrive in time, just before dawn. I agree with you, yes *”b’aoku ise o tan!”*
Congratulations sir.
Gboyega Ajayi writes from Ikoro-Ekiti