A team of University Administrators and acadamia at the upper echelon have described the Universities in Nigeria as a conglomerate of zoos and organized anarchies with multiple ambiguities and conflicts.
According to a statement signed by the Head of Media and Public Relations, Dr. Williams Olufunmi, these were the submissions of Intelligentsia who converged on Elizade University for a 2-day Retreat organized for the Leadership of the University as part of its strategic implementation plan.
Pro-Chancellor of Elizade University and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Emeritus Professor Olufemi Bamiro in his paper: “An Overview of University Governance in Today’s Nigerian Economic Climate” said a lot of internal and external forces impact on the university system as centrifugal forces.
He lamented that the Nigerian government had consistently seen Education as a curse rather than an investment which ought to bring about transformation.
He drew comparative analysis to situate the expectations on University, with a charge on both academic and non-academic staff to deliver on their mandate while asking them to embrace innovative, creative and soft skills in producing graduates that are globally competitive.
Professor Bamiro x-rayed the Structure, Content, Infrastructure, the Economy, the Funding as well as the Politics of University Administration.
Vice-Chancellor of Elizade University, Professor Kayode Thadius Ijadunola who spoke on “Successful University Administration and the Roles of the Different Tiers of University Governance.” hinted on the need for appropriate actions as and when due among strategic and tactical leaders to avoid clogging in the system.
While treating another paper on “Enhancing Curriculum and Pedagogical Approaches in the University System for 21st Century Learner” Professor Ijadunola said every curriculum must have specified objectives and goals.
He emphasized on the need for interpersonal engagement of student through an inclusive and participatory approach, while ensuring a creative teaching and learning process in order to bring out the best in them.
According to him, if you design and teach your curriculum to the students of today, in the archaic way you were taught, certainly you won’t get anywhere.
Former Vice-Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Professor Eyitope Ogunbodede whose paper centered on: ”Making the 21st Century University work effectively through the Committee System” harped on the strength and weakness of the system but insisted that they are indispensable.
University Administrator and former Registrar of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Mr Ayorinde Ogunruku in his paper “University Governance and Human Resource Management as Impetus for Institutional Performance” said the university remains a zoo with cacophonies of ideas and personalities insisting that the internal dynamics of University Administration must produce best practices notwithstanding whose ox is gored.
The Registrar of Elizade University, Mr Omololu Adegbenro in an exhaustive analysis of “Strategic Role of the Registry in University Administration” stressed the need for inter-relationship and interdependence of various units and departments to create synergy.
The Bursar of Elizade University, Mr Samuel Ajeigbe while delivering the paper on “University Financial Management- The Role of the Bursary” warned on the looming consequence of the nation’s economic downturn, which he says poses dire threat to the continued survival of private Universities in Nigeria with possibilities of mergers and some going under.
The University Acting Librarian, Dr Esse Ugwunwa in her paper“The Role of the Library in Meeting the University Mandate of Teaching and Research” pinpointed factors responsible for the dearth of scholarly Publications in reputable international journals, stressing the need for hard work, mentorship, collaboration, networking and team work.
She equally spoke on the dangers of predatory journals.
No fewer than 96 senior Staff attended the 2-day Retreat which critically dissected the University system in an engaging manner, to challenge the Leadership of Elizade University towards attaining loftier heights.