Members of the Alagbaka Landlords Association have resolved to make it compulsory for all Landlords to register their ‘Maiguards’ and House Maids as way of tackling rising insecurity in the area.
The residents have raised concerns on several occasions about house burgling suspected to have masterminded by miscreants who pretend or claim to be working for certain Landlords in the fast-developing community.
After series of investigations with the aide of tracking devices and arrests made, it was observed that the suspects are the young men who walk aimlessly within the community located at the back of Police Headquarters in Akure.
Rising from the meeting of the Landlords Association, it was resolved that all Landlords should register their ‘maiguards’ and house maids to ascertain who and who works in the community.
In an interview with newsmen, the Chairman of the Association, Hon. Fred Ojo said it is part of efforts to nip in the bud activities of miscreants who burgle houses when people must have gone to church on Sunday or work places during the week.
In his words, “we have put in place a committee of committed and experienced members of the community who will move from house to house to register the ‘maiguards’ and maids to ensure proper documentation”.
“We are working with security agencies to raid those who may not cooperate with us towards flushing out the suspected miscreants from our community”, the chairman said.
Other residents called on the affected Landlords to make their maiguards available for the exercise fashioned out to protect lives and property in the community.
They noted the need to be proactive, considering the rising cases of domestic workers committing atrocities with their employers even at a national level.
They emphasised that people working among them must have records with the appropriate authorities.