… Church President Joshua Olayiwola could not proceed with the session after the woman openly said there was nothing her three kids could eat at home, having starved for three days
…Prophet launched the donation with #100,000 and was supported by congregation to realise the sum
It was an emotional situation during the last Friday special prayer session at the Testimony Arena of Alabiamo Prayer Meeting in Akure.
The usual Friday programme tagged ‘Owuro Mi O Jiya Mo’ started with the normal praise and worship which eventually snowballed into testimony session as well as prayers led by the President, Prophet Joshua Olayiwola popularly known as Baba Alabiamo.
In his usual prophetic characteristics, the Prophet got a divine message that a woman in need of serious help was in the congregation.
After the pronouncement, the woman actually came out and confirmed that she was actually in serious financial crisis to the extent that her three kids did not eat as she was leaving for the prayer meeting while she wasn’t even sure of they would eat on arrival.
This really touched the Prophet who told the congregation that he could not continue with the session until something was done to assist the woman.
He therefore announced a seed donation of #100,000 after which he admonished others in attendance as well as those participating online to render any form of assistance.
Within 15-20 minutes, close to #280,000 had been raised and Baba Alabiamo had to insist that the money must be #300,000.
So, he directed two branches of the church to contribute #10,000 each to make the fund #300,000.
After asking further questions about her children and realised that there were outstanding school fees, the Prophet told the woman to remove #100,000 out of the money contributed for school settlement.
He also made immediate provision of exercise books for the use of the children while he directed that books in his store should be sorted to gift the children.
Prophet Joshua Olayiwola emphasized that the development witnessed is one of the major responsibilities of the church of God and promised that event though it’s not the first time such would happen in the church, it would be made a continuous exercise.