The Rector of Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Prof. Emmanuel Adedayo Fasakin, Ffs, Fiica,Fimc has charged Christians to keep praying for the unity and peace in Nigeria.
According to a statement, the Rector said he “seize this auspicious moment to warmly congratulate and felicitate with our Christain Brothers and Sisters in Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji, Ondo State and Nigeria at large on the observance of this year’s Easter celebration”.
“The humble birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His teachings and subsequent travails and death should be a lesson for all of us that, there is a season for everything and that whatever we do while on earth would be remembered after our passage”, the rector stressed.
“Let us in conformity with Christ’s teachings, be submissive to God Almighty, radiate love , peace , humility and be a source of happiness, rather than sorrow, to the less privileged and the needy in our Society”, he maintained.
Prof. Fasakin charged Christians to “seize this occasion to pray for our dear Country, Nigeria, to overcome its present challenges for the good of all and sundry”.