By Gboyega Adetola
The management and administration of public resources and wealth to satisfy the needs of the electorate simply means good governance.
The bottom line is delivering or presenting a conducive enviroment for living. Good governance does not mean feeding the people but making the people to be able to feed themselves.
There are some basic amenities that should be the centre point of government agenda if they want to make people happy. These are the reality in real governance.
Good road transportation, stable power supply, quality education, affordable health care services, food security, etc.
However, government is underperforming in all these due to corruption of the leaders and the society at large. You cannot give people a temporary enjoyment such as sharing of food items and call it good governance.
Why are there no good roads, no job or conducive environment for job creation, stable power supply, food security, good health care service, security of lives and properties? What is the essence of government and governance without the above?
Even though there are bad policies which is a strategic failure, if government focus on these areas, life will still be made comfortable for people despite the economic hitches. I mean the area positive impact of the elected leaders will be felt.
The first approach. Road transport is vital in our daily activities both privately and commercially. It is the cheapest, commonest and the most patronised means of transport.
Additionally, economy of any community, state or federal thrive more with good roads network. It connects intra and inter states together. It is one of the most important infrastructures that aids development.
However, road transportation in Nigeria is an impasse to private movement and economic growth. It is one of the sectors with the poorest management and development. The worst of all, many federal government roads are unapologetically disastrous.
Is government not aware of this? Many of the so called federal roads across the country is a bane to national fortune. This shows the passive impact of the people in government.
Senators, Reps members, ministers and Governors. Every government in states and federal present bogus budget on yearly basis in different categories which transport sector is one.
This tells us there are plans on the table for construction, improvements and maintenance of roads within their territories. Even though there is high price of commodities, availability and enjoyment of basic amenities can soften hardship.
Ekiti state as an example, the state is unique in terms of geographical clustering and settlement which makes road construction easy to go by.
Over the years, with many government regimes on and off, military and democracy. Why are some roads still not motorable and not even attended to up till this present administration?
Not putting the blame on the current government but the empty impact the governmental system have had on development. The state has been pronouncing billions of naira budget from rulers to rulers in decades but implementation is being barred.
There are some roads in Ekiti that remain untared and with several pot- holes for more than 20 years and yet there are budget allocations on yearly basis.
Practically speaking, intra-state road network, inter-states and most importantly, the road that links south west to the north.
Two of the major link roads are in very disgusting state. Especially these routes below:
1. From Ado Ekiti – Aso Ayegunle Ekiti – Ijan Ekiti – Ilu Omooba – igbemo – Ise – Aisegba – Imesi to Kabba.
2. Erio Ekiti – Aramoko – Ido – Oye – Ilupeju – Omuo Oke to Kabba, Kogi State.
These routes are highly commercial yet a nightmare to commuters. According to motorists, the roads are such in bad state that vehicles spent days before getting out of the hook.
Other examples of intra state and township roads: Ado Ekiti – ABUAD/Federal Poly road. The road that leads to one of the best Universities in Africa. Narrow and deadly. It has been like that for ages despite the commercial status.
Aramako township road to Erio is one of the worst in the nation. It will be a delusion if I call this area pot-holes rather the holes are enough to swallow cars.
In conclusion, the impact of government could be felt mostly in infrastructural development. I would ask what exactly people benefit from our government.
No good roads, we pay for security yet there is none, people provide themselves water and many other things.
Political leaders should approach governance as if they are part of the people and prioritize the people’s welfare.
Democracy is government of the people. What else should people demand from the elected ones than good means of livelihood and sustainability.