The National leadership of the Joint National Public Service Negotiating Council JNPSNC (Trade Union Side) has called on the Federal Government to begin the payment of five months outstanding arrears of (N35,000) Wage Award to Federal workers as well as some state and.local government workers.
The National Leadership of joint National Public Service Negotiating Council Trade Union Side in a letter addressed to the Head of Civil Service of the Federation dated 31st December, 2024 and duly signed by the National Secretary JNPSNC Trade Union Side Comrade Olowoyo Gbenga.
The letter inter alia stated thus “on behalf of the entire workers, felt contraint to bring to your Esteemed attention the outstanding of five (5) months of unpaid Wage Award which was hitherto paid till February 2024, vide a circular issued by National Salaries, income and Wages Commission (NSlWC) with reference number SWC/
04/T/33 dated 19 October, 2023
(NSlWC) number SWC/
until it was stopped since March, 2024”
“As matter of reminder, the National leadership of JNPSNC, relying on the assurance given by the Federal Government, agreed to the fact that the outstanding five months wage Award will be paid on or before before the end of the year 2024. “:
The Federal Government was reminded “that this particular clause form part of the agreement reached with Labour side during the consequential adjustments negotiations arising from the New National Minimum Wage Act 2024 as contained on the item (iv)of the agreement but as at now, the payment is yet to be effected
According to the letter “the non payment of the aforesaid outstanding Wage Award has started generating disquetedness among Federal workers, hence, Federal Government is hereby called upon to take the bulls by the horn and pay the the five months outstanding in earnest, so as to calm down the tension so that it will not metamorphosed into industrial disharmony.
“In the same vein, the outstanding month(s) of the New National minimum wage should also be considered for payment by both federal government and States where we have outstandings ”
The National leadership hereby reiterate its commitment to the sustainability of industrial peace, hence, all the critical stakeholders in the collective bargaining process should deepen their working synergy in order not to allow any mutual mistrust and suspicion.