I once had a friend who believed that looking good is all about putting on expensive apparel and looking chic. I tried to make her understand that there is more to looking good than what she puts on because, whatever you wear tells a story about you.
My name is Princess Eigbokhan Orih and in this edition we will be taking a look at the African woman.
So many stories have been told about the African woman.
Her beauty is incomparable.
Her character is wholesome and her personality is a joy to behold.
For my readers I ask what is the true African beauty?
Looking good is not just a good business but it should speak of values, culture, quality, a sense of belonging, societal class and A Life full of beauty.
Do you just desire to look good and ignore the traits that portray African beauty as the definition of beauty in the world?
Over the years values have been misplaced and culture thrown overboard from the outfits we see on the streets today.
As an African woman what are your outfits like? Does your outfit promote quality environmental ambience worthy of emulating or are you just the next door neighbour to sensational outfits?
You know what I mean? Outfits which are envogue.
With the help of historical traditional African knowledge I will increase your sense of dressing with the reality of an African beauty as the best beauty in the world in terms of colour combination including African accessories.
To experience the touch of African beauty take the following steps:
-Good colour combination: this is the secret of first impression.
-African accessories and good colour combinations add radiance to your look. -Tying your hair in the African way makes you command attention. African outfits can be served as the meal that suits all kinds of occasion.
African clothings is the right attire to transform your look and boost your confidence. African dresses will make you stand out in any formal occasion, party, wedding, religious event, home-coming, African history month or family reunion.
These clothes, if carefully handmade by top notch tailors and designers are outstanding.
The African outfits cater for both the rich and the poor.
It also has a link which allows mixing with other outfits and the combination of both can bring about an irresistible value for a woman that has a quiver full of them.
African outfits can be used during the following occasions:
-wedding engagements and ceremonies.
-association and club parties.
And anywhere you can think of.